wedding budget

  Well, it’s officially wedding season. And while I happen to love weddings (much to my boyfriend’s dismay), I’ve got to admit – they can be pricey…and not just for the happy couple or wedding party. The average guest plans to spend $673 to attend a wedding this year according to the latest American Express Spending & Saving Tracker, and that’s not even including a destination weddings. Being a budget wedding guest gets a little trickier when the expectation is to spend almost $700. Weddings are expensive for a lot of reasons. They tend to take up whole weekends of your life (especially if you’re traveling), whichRead More →

We Tried It

Stress can be a great motivator, but it can also be terrible for your health. I find there’s a very fine line for me between productive stress to get my finances under control, and hurtful stress that depresses my mood and health. Your health is very important, and during this stressful time in your life, we need to make sure we don’t neglect it. So this week’s post is a 7 day yoga mini-challenge. Boo-ya! #getexcitedRead More →

We Tried It

***This post contains an affiliate link. <3 from the Dames*** Laundry, o laundry, I hate you. Clothes! Beautiful clothes! I love you. But you get dirty. Why hasn’t someone invented clothes that don’t have to be washed yet? How is this not a thing? Unluckily, we have no washer/dryer in the apartment 🙁 I’m ‘lucky’ enough to have a laundry room in the building, one of which always seems to be broken. There are three machines, for over 45 apartments…Somehow the math just doesn’t seem to add up. So, just to be clear, let me break that down for you: mountains of laundry > 3 machinesRead More →

Take Stock

 ***This post contains an affiliate link. <3 from the Dames*** In order to make a plan to get out of debt, we need to know where to start. So we’ve already discussed taking a good hard look at my finances and determining what to focus on, now it’s time to get organized. This week I’m going to take stock of my assets.    No, no, it’s not like that – promise! I just finished reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, and that really served as the source of inspiration for this purge. I need a space that helps me maintain focus,Read More →

budget travel

How to Travel Comfortably on a Budget

  Hello fellow humans! I’m writing this today from 35,000 feet up as I speed over your heads around 500 miles per hour. Fun! Or is it? In general I’m of the camp that flying sucks. It’s freaking expensive, and everyone is crammed into a confined space for 5+ hours with 2 toilets and 18 crying babies on board. Eww, right? But there are a few things you can do to make air travel a little more budget friendly and definitely up your comfort level. Tickets and hotels are usually the most expensive part of the trip. To save some cash book tickets more thanRead More →

We Tried It

We Tried It: Coconut Oil

***This post contains an affiliate link. <3 from the Dames*** We Dames have been a little heavy lately, so today’s post topic is a little lighter and fun and introduces a new series we will be working on: budget beauty and house tips! Today we tackle the magic that is coconut oil. Let’s get started! From my Taking Stock series, Part One and Part Two, you know that I went through all of my possessions Marie Kondo style. When I hit the bathroom I was surprised at how many items I had in there. Now I’m not that into makeup or hair appliances or nailRead More →