Hey there friends! It’s January! And you know what that means: TAXES. So fun. So tedious. So…wait? I have to pay for this? No. You definitely do not have to pay to file your taxes. Many people do for the convenience of using a service like TurboTax. But I’m here to tell you, you do not need to waste money on this. Firstly, I’ve used TurboTax before. It’s so simple and walks you through everything. But this year when I logged in, they wanted to charge me $40 plus the state filing just so I could use a student loan interest deduction form. Well, screwRead More →

holiday budget

***This is a Guest Post. <3 from the Dames*** The holidays are filled with fun, food, friends, and family–as well as extra expenses. Even if you love this time of year, spending more money than your used to can be stressful. Having a side hustle or second job can be a great way to replenish your bank account while also avoiding the headache that comes when the bills do. Here are five suggestions to get you started: Get A Part-time Job Just like yourself, retail stores, restaurants, and bars are all busier at this time of year. Higher foot traffic, family members in town, andRead More →


***This is a Guest Post. <3 from the Dames*** It’s that time of year again…FAFSA time. If you’re still in undergrad or getting ready to pick a college, then this article’s for you. We already told you how to stay on track during college, but what about paying for it? Go forth and make college affordable again! As you probably already know, going to college is one of the biggest changes people go through in life. For many of us, that was the first time we left home and had to find our feet in a completely different setting. On the one hand, there’s the prideRead More →


***Disclosure: Dames in Debt received a free copy of this book. This post contains affiliate links. <3 from the Dames*** Hi friends, it’s time for another installment of #finlit! You know, that thing I do where I meet my annual GoodReads reading goal via consuming every personal finance book know to man (& several Nancy Drew Mystery Stories). Anyways, today’s book happens to be You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham. Before we get started, I want to just reiterate one more time that each of us Dames got a free copy of this book to review it. That’s it. No strings attached to the review,Read More →

financial check-up

***This is a Guest Post. <3 from the Dames*** People often start the new year begins with a ton of financial resolutions…but old habits are tough to break, especially when it comes to finances. So, it’s a wise idea to review your finances periodically and check-up on whether you are on track to meet those goals or not. While the middle of the year might be over (so long summer weather!), this is actually the ideal time to check if you’re on the right financial track. Think of it as the adult version of going back to school. If you’re in trouble, there’s still timeRead More →

live together

Continuing on with my theme of dramatic, life-changing events happening to me in 2017 (see here): I also moved in with my boyfriend. We moved back in March, so we’ve been living together for ~3 months or so. It wasn’t exactly a tough choice. We’ve been together since August of 2013, and we’ve been doing pseudo-long-distance (an hour apart) for the past two years, which basically means we’ve been living together every weekend for two years. In March, my boyfriend was moving back to my city, and with both of our leases ending at around the same time, we decided it only made sense toRead More →

financial emergency

***This is a Guest Post written by Rebecca Williams. <3 from the Dames*** We’ve written about financial emergencies before (you know, in the lose-your-job way), so it’s always good to get a refresher on how to prepare so you aren’t stuck using your credit card (guilty) or having to borrow from friends. Everyday transactions require careful financial planning. Nowadays, people generally have prepared budgets for everyday expenses, credit payments, insurances and even personal investments. In a world where money and cash equivalents move society, budgeting has become a standard. For the general public, financial stability means securing one’s retirement, owning a house, and being able toRead More →


***This post contains affiliate links. <3 from the Dames*** As you guys know, I’ve been reading money books (#finlit) throughout my personal finance journey. I’ve found that reading personal finance books keeps my motivation up, plus there’s always more to learn. Recently, I finished Suze Orman’s The Money Book for the Young Fabulous and Broke – her book devoted to helping millenials/me. I haven’t read any of Ms. Orman’s other books, but this was definitely a good personal finance primer. It covers everything from how to get a job that will pay your bills to buying your first house. It also has whole sections devotedRead More →

start your own blog

(Disclosure: We are a BlueHost affiliate and get paid if someone clicks our links below & starts a website with BlueHost. <3 from the Dames) When my sister and I started blogging for Dames in Debt, we had no idea where it would take us. As it turns out, it took us straight to being uber-focused on our financial goals, and hey – that is definitely not a bad thing! We also gained a new hobby out of it, and it’s been especially fun learning about the more technical website aspect of Dames in Debt. One of the biggest perks to starting Dames in Debt is allRead More →

money happy

***This is a Guest Post. <3 from the Dames*** Four steps to starting the new year with a positive outlook on your finances If you’re starting the new year in debt or with a little less than you like after Christmas, then you may feel that your prospects for financial happiness are gloomy. However, you can be totally money happy in 2017 by trying out a few of the suggestions below. Being money happy doesn’t mean being mega rich, but more about being happy with your situation and using the money that you do have to live a comfortable, happy life. So read on toRead More →