Welcome to 2019, a fresh new year that’s just waiting for us to crush our goals and achieve our dreams. Also, I’m getting married this year, so that’s pretty exciting. Before we start chatting about everything #newyear, let’s recap my 2018 goals shall we: Pay off my final credit card – no more consumer debt for me! (Goal is to have it paid off by my birthday.) DONE!!!!! Build up a semi-full emergency fund of $5000 (Goal completion date is December) Not even kind of done 🙁 Learn German to nearly triple my salary at work No – but big things happening here 😀 Okay, soRead More →


Welcome to 2018 – the year everyone’s hoping won’t be so much of a dumpster fire like last year. Politics aside, now that I’ve paid off the big credit card, I get to have a little more fun with my goals this year. To recap, my 2017 financial goals were: Pay off the credit card! DONE DONE DONE Build an emergency fund again NOT EVEN KIND OF Go 12-for-12 on sticking to my budget I GOT 50% ON THIS ONE So funny story, it’s hard to rebuild an emergency fund when you keep having emergencies. Losing my job. rather unexpectedly, moving, and my driver’s side window suddenly notRead More →


Hi friends, Just wanted to let y’all know that Dames in Debt was recently featured on The Pursuit of Happiness! We were part of their 2017 Happiness Day Interview Series! You can read our post here, just look for the Q&A headline. <3 from the Dames For more information on the 2017 Happiness Day Interview Series: My name is Wes, creator of thePursuitofHappiness.me.  I won’t bore you with the full details of the inspiration for the site.  To share a little bit though; growing up in America, I had always been taught about this nation’s founding documents and I heard all the time about the Declaration of Independence andRead More →

2017 goals

So it’s 2017, and I’ve got resolutions just like everyone else. Except I’ve got a plan in place to actually turn my resolutions into reality by year’s end. But let’s start with a recap from last year. My 2016 financial goals were the following: Pay down my credit card (goal is to have it paid off by July 2017) Build an emergency fund (goal is to have $2500 saved up by the end of the year) Save for retirement (no real goal here for the moment…just contribute something each month to my Roth IRA) I did pretty well on them. I saved for retirement each monthRead More →

Canadian Budget Binder

Hi friends, Just wanted to let y’all know that Dames in Debt was recently featured on Canadian Budget Binder! We were part of the 2016 Making A Difference series! You can read our post here, just look for the Making a Difference headline. Thanks so much for helping us take our personal finance journey way further than we ever thought possible! And check out Canadian Budget Binder while you’re at it! <3 from the DamesRead More →

Liebster Award

Man, it’s been a whirlwind of fun since we started this blog two months ago. We went from a free, WordPress.com blog to a self-hosted blog. We made a Dames in Debt Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. We’ve been writing a lot! AND…we got nominated for our first blogging award!   The Liebster Award We were nominated for The Liebster Award from Kumiko over at The Budget Mom, and we couldn’t be more excited and honored. The award is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community. Originally it was given out to blogs with less than 2000 readers, but thisRead More →

Yakezie challenge

When my sister and I first started our blog, we wanted to create a place where we could journal our way through debt repayment. We wanted somewhere to chronicle all the ups and downs that come with being swamped with debt and trying to pay it all off…while also being twenty-somethings. We also wanted people to read our stories. Because of all of this, we’ve decided to join the Yakezie Challenge. So, we joined something that sounds bizarre, and now we have a fun Yakezie badge on our site. What’s changing you might wonder? Absolutely nothing. This blog will still be two sisters living theRead More →

Hello there friends! Is it just me or does it seem like all the s#!t just hits the fan at once? Since 2016 started it seems like everyone around me has gone through at least one major life transition and/or struggle. Life is hard sometimes for sure.   But, today’s post isn’t about complaining about how hard things are. Today’s post is a reminder that you can and will get through whatever struggle you are presented with.  Read More →


Oh hey there, So you just heard about what it’s like to have soul-crushing-cost-of-living debt over in LA, now you get to learn about having soul-crushing-grad-school debt.  I’m your resident East Coast Dame, and while my cost-of-living is actually pretty good in the River City, my student loan debt could buy me a nice, pretty house.Read More →