dog ownership

It’s almost been a year since my little pup came into my life, and while it’s been one of the best years ever, it hasn’t necessarily been cheap. If you’ve ever been curious exactly how much it costs to buy and take care of a dog, then keep on reading! Initial Costs Due to severe allergies, some size/breed restrictions due to living in a 3rd-floor apartment, and some ridiculous requirements from rescues, the boyfriend and I decided to purchase a pure-bred miniature schnauzer from a local breeder. After thoroughly researching our breeder (and her doing the same to us), we filled out an application, putRead More →

holiday budget

***This is a Guest Post. <3 from the Dames*** The holidays are filled with fun, food, friends, and family–as well as extra expenses. Even if you love this time of year, spending more money than your used to can be stressful. Having a side hustle or second job can be a great way to replenish your bank account while also avoiding the headache that comes when the bills do. Here are five suggestions to get you started: Get A Part-time Job Just like yourself, retail stores, restaurants, and bars are all busier at this time of year. Higher foot traffic, family members in town, andRead More →