start your own blog

(Disclosure: We are a BlueHost affiliate and get paid if someone clicks our links below & starts a website with BlueHost. <3 from the Dames) When my sister and I started blogging for Dames in Debt, we had no idea where it would take us. As it turns out, it took us straight to being uber-focused on our financial goals, and hey – that is definitely not a bad thing! We also gained a new hobby out of it, and it’s been especially fun learning about the more technical website aspect of Dames in Debt. One of the biggest perks to starting Dames in Debt is allRead More →

Liebster Award

Man, it’s been a whirlwind of fun since we started this blog two months ago. We went from a free, blog to a self-hosted blog. We made a Dames in Debt Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. We’ve been writing a lot! AND…we got nominated for our first blogging award!   The Liebster Award We were nominated for The Liebster Award from Kumiko over at The Budget Mom, and we couldn’t be more excited and honored. The award is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community. Originally it was given out to blogs with less than 2000 readers, but thisRead More →